Paulism’s provides practical tips on how to run a successful small business from its evolution to one day selling it and releasing the deserved reward for your hard work and risk taking. It provides proven real life experiences, not from theory but from Paul’s own learnings from his mistakes and experiences over 30 years in business, that enables you not to make the same mistakes he did.
Most small businesses have the same common issues …
• Owners working too hard in their business
• Owners doing everything themselves, as no one else can do it as well as them
• Poor accounting and lack of financial data
• Lack of, or no, systems
• Business model not clearly defined
• Trying to be everything to everyone
• Working on the things that are poor contributors to the business’s profitability
• No end or exit plan.
Does this sound familiar?
By reading this book:
- Learn and relate to actual experiences that are common with all small businesses
- Provide business tips that have worked for other small business owners and will work for you
- Enable you to develop your business to be more valuable and more attractive to potential investors or buyers
- Help define your business model … what is my business all about?
- Focus you on things that make you money and eliminate the things that tie up all your time and contribute little to your bottom line
- To be a better time manager and reach your goals quicker
- Enable the business to be less reliant on you and enable you to walk away from your business and have others’ run it for you
- Take away some of the stress and long hours that you are experiencing presently in your business
- Ultimately with a sounder business structure financial and time rewards will flow
All profits of this book sale go to the Paul Nielsen Charitable Fund to support young people with their small business ventures