AUTHOR BIO2019-10-03T10:17:09+13:00

Paul Nielsen

Paul Nielsen started in business the month of the share market crash in 1987 and has seen and weathered many up’s and down’s in his business journey. Paul takes his over 30 years of experience of running a New Zealand nationwide product installation business, and mentoring employees, franchisees and contractor teams through various sales channels. Paul’s education is from experiences at the ‘coal face’ to enable him to ‘give back’ to small business so they don’t make the same mistakes he made from his learnings in the world of small business.

Paulisms provides practical simple Gold Nuggets for small businesses owners who all share the same issues  These tips come from real life experiences and provide a template to take more control of your business while having more time off and building up a business that will turn your hard work into a reward from that value you have created through your hard work.


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